Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Birthday Song

Plus 1.
Another day and they told me it added a whole year. Cause sometimes, you need a reason to party.


Renovatio said...

Thanks for that little nudge. Had sort of forgotten I had a blog.

Renovatio said...

But happy birthday. I hate hearing that myself, but hey, you might not mind too much.

Serendipity said...

happy birthday!!

Australis said...

Happy Birthday loser. Chin up, it's all downhill from here.

Australis said...

And that's the third place where I've posted the wishes. I expect no less when August rolls around.

Australis said...

Oh and since when did we need a reason to party???

Australis said...

A 4th one just to beat Reno's count. Pffffft.

CrazyDiamond said...

@Reno: Isn't this the second time you're doing this "being lost" business. Thanks for the wishes.

@Serendipity: Thanks.

@ Aurora: Thanks girl and I repeat, where's my call and song.

Mystique said...

happy birthday.....belated now.....

Renovatio said...

Stop spamming.

Renovatio said...

Have you seen my blogroll? It's 100+ blogs, and I've got about fifty more on a notepad file somewhere as the blogger blogroll script can't handle anything over 80ish links. Not that hard to get lost, when half of them have that annoying habit of opening a new window (hint hint) and the other half (sweetly) open the comment box in the same window.

CrazyDiamond said...

@mystique: Thanks...belated is good.

@reno: heh...ok, a new window no longer opens your blogging cribbiness.

Anonymous said...

@Ren: now THIS is spam. :P

I Think We're Alone Now

Pitter patter patter it away there's a world out there  it don't care either way  it want to grab it want to hold  it wants your s...